Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Today we received an order of perennials from One Green World. They kindly added a note to the invoice that these plants would offset about 153 pounds of carbon dioxide per year after they are full grown.

Of course, I love edibles. The order included flowing plants such as akebia and Maypop passion flower, both of which produce gorgeous flowers but also produce fruit. Akebia requires two varieties, so we're adding a pretty white variety to our rosy one. There are several huckleberries, a Korean bush cherry, and lingonberry. I also have five saffron crocus bulbs, and I'm hoping to offset saffron expenses.

I'm planning to put the saffron bulbs into a low, wide blue pot I bought at Pemberton Farms yesterday. I also found some pots that biodegrade after a couple seasons. They seem very sturdy now and are made of bamboo, but in two years, you just pop them into the ground as they start to disintegrate. I'm hoping to create an herb garden out of these. I've bought some herb plants and have several seeds for others.

I discovered that my herbs create the best vegetarian lasagna, and can't wait for this season's. This weekend I made a meat and bitter melon lasagna, which was great, but still not up to par with rosemary, thyme, and fennel.

I also picked up a bunch of gorgeous looking succulents for another piece of the garden. I tried it out last year, but they didn't set too well, so this time they'll be in the ground sooner.

Right now the perennial plot looks like a barren wasteland, but in about a month it'll start looking trim and inhabited. Or so says my ambition.

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