Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Patriot's Day

Yesterday I went to my garden to plant lettuce and other greens. One gardener remarked, "Oh, so you're one of those people who might think it'll actually cool off." It was 88 out when I left the garden, hardly lettuce weather. And I'm sitting here before 7am the next day, worried that my afternoon-watered lettuce is going to wilt away to nothing before I can next water it. I thought about driving the 45-minute round trip to splash some water on, but decided that maybe this evening would be a better bet.

I read The $64 Tomato a couple weeks ago. It's about the slow dive into insanity as you try to perfect your garden. Battles against bugs, groundhogs, sod, weather. At the end he realizes he is no longer a gardener, but a farmer. And I can see my path clearly ahead of me too.

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