Sunday, August 24, 2008

Food food food!

Jean's not moving in until Saturday. I had friends over yesterday, so of course we ate farmshare food. The difference between this year's visit and last is that this year they have a baby! They are trying to teach the baby to like veggies, so she was eating tomatoes and lettuce. I guess the baby is a self-proclaimed vegetarian already...she'll eat broccoli but spits out meat. Or maybe it's that she only has four teeth!

We made (I very rarely just cook and have people eat...normally I invite/force my guests to help cooking...I think this is due to menu ambition and lack of skill) fried pork chops in a nice Worcestershire sauce with Butt Rub. I was watching the Butt Rub guys on The Food Network, and they won a major BBQ contest, so now I've been using the stuff, even though it had been sitting on the shelf unused for months. And it's yum stuff.

We (well Paul) made a lettuce, tomato, pepper salad with olive oil and salt. Then we had pat-a-pan and two-toned squash in garlic and olive oil. And now I'm out of olive oil, alas! We also had some spinach walnut tortellini from Whole Foods that Elena left behind. Then, of course, yellow watermelon.

Today I made some yellow watermelon popsicles and put a small chunk of peach in each one. Then I had all this watermelon puree left. I added chunks of cantaloupe, a few big spoonfuls of Greek yogurt, and some of my local honey. It's from the Boston Honey Company. Puree puree puree. The smoothie came out gentle and sweet.

Elena's made it to South Korea, and has figured out how to use her rice cooker and hot plate. Hopefully she survives without an oven or microwave! She also went and bought a spicy pork soup, so she had to drink lots of water, so she had to use a squatty potty the first time. Yay!

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