Saturday, April 14, 2012

Garden time

This year, I found an interesting deal online for 100 packets of seeds for $$59 at GetSeeds. Given that theses seeds are organic heirloom, that's a fantastic deal. My packets arrived in a nice big bag. Here's the bag, not that they attached some buttercup seeds to the outside:

And here's the seeds:

It was a lovely variety, great for a large plot. There were tons of herbs, as well as a nice mix of peppers, tomatoes, squash, beans, corn, and so on. There were no instructions, but since they put the variety on each packet, it's easy enough to look up.

I started a large tray of peppers and tomatoes this year. Oddly, the peppers are doing better than the tomatoes. Usually it's the other way around. Generally I like peppers better, so I suppose it's a good thing, but I can't seem to figure out why the tomatoes aren't doing well.

The annual garden plots at Codman Community Farm are opening up today. Apparently they had a record number of new gardeners applying for plots. It's great that everyone is so interested in gardening. Looking forward to the new season.

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