Saturday, January 8, 2011

Codman Community Farms

Last year I grew a garden at Codman Community Farms, and I plan to go back this year. The farm is very generous with their plots, so I got only a half plot, and arrived to find it was three times the space I expected! It was a wonderful outlet for one loves to pitchfork dirt more than me. I grew stuff I loved, sweet potatoes that surprised me with their size and perfectness, tomatoes that took a long time to grow, but were delicious in the end, wild sesame stolen from my boyfriend's sister-in-law, hot peppers, scallions, melons from H-mart, shiso and daikon from Ebisuya and way way way way too much zucchini. I actually had about fifty varieties growing in my garden, because a small garden is great for single plants that you pick up here and there at garden shops or the library book and plant sale.

I'm heading into next year and will try to keep track of spending better, as well as the harvest, hopefully on this blog. I have a gigantic wish list I've generated from Johnny's Selected Seeds. Hopefully I can trim. Last year I spent a lot on transplants and hope to do more from seed this spring. So, on to that project.

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