So this year I did NOT plant ANY zucchini. In a way this is sad. I was always guaranteed a grocery bag of zucchini. But I am using the space for more winter squash, and the patty pan squash I grow is an adorable, round little yellow zucchini. But it's not, you know, ZUCCHINI, stuff of nightmares.
Still, no matter what you do, if you live anywhere near a farm or gardener you're going to end up with someone, um, "gifting" you zucchini. And I just didn't want more stirfried zucchini with garlic, or to put it into a curry. Last year I bought the cookbook Bento Boxes: Japanese Meals on the Go, which I love. The book presents a different way of cooking, combining, presentation than traditional big dish American cookbooks. I've cooked a lot with miso this year, partly due to that cookbook, so I decided to try a miso zucchini.
Miso zucchini
Serves 2
One knob of fresh ginger
Splash of sesame oil (for cooking)
2 tablespoons of miso (the paste, not the powder)
2 tablespoon of Mirin (or a sake/sugar mix)
1 tablespoon of soy sauce
1 smallish zucchini
Sesame seeds
- Chop the ginger. If you like to chew on ginger, then do a rough chop. If you like the flavor but hate the texture, mince it.
- Slice the zucchini into thin rounds. (Gadget alert: If you have a mandoline, this is the sort of thing you should use it for.)
- Heat a fry pan on medium and add sesame oil.
- When the oil is hot, add the ginger.
- When the ginger has cooked for a couple minutes, add the miso, mirin, and soy sauce. This will form a sort of paste.
- Add the zucchini and stir to cover with the paste.
- Cook, stirring off and on, until the zucchini is floppy, but still holds its shape.
- Remove from heat.
- Toss a few sesame seeds on top, give it a quick stir, and serve hot.